Monday 25 May 2020


Angled Loofah is a vigorous climbing, monoecious, coarse and annual herb with branched, 3 fid tendrils and slender pentagonal, furrowed, densely hairy and green stem. Stem is brownish-yellow, five angled, glabrous and 0.2-0.4 cm thick. Leaves are 25 cm long borne on short, subterete and longitudinally grooved petioles. Lamina is broad ovate in outline, scabrous and shallowly five to seven lobed. Flowers are axillary, yellow, 4-5 cm across. Male flowers form in long peduncled raceme, 15 to 20 flowered, 3 stamens within campanulate. Fruit is ellipsoid, fusiform or clavate, narrowed at base and rounded at the apex, thinly hairy, 10 ribbed, densely punctate, grayish green and 30 cm or more long. Seeds are broad ellipsoid and 1–1.2 cm by 0.7–0.8 cm. Roots are yellowish-brown and almost cylindrical. 1. Weight loss. Angled Loofah has low content of saturated fat and cholesterol. High water content makes it food with low calories. It is used to treat jaundice and a very good natural remedy for jaundice. Powdered dried fruits are used for treating jaundice. 2. Skin health. The matured and dried Angled Loofah has a sponge which is used as an exfoliating product while bathing. It helps to eliminate dead cells from skin and makes the skin smooth and conditioned. Angled Loofah has blood purifying properties which is helpful for pimples and acne problems. It is effective for combating foot and body odor. 3. Lowers inflammation. Ridge gourd seeds are used as anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance. Studies have shown the antioxidant capabilities of seeds extract confirming antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of extract. It has high presence of flavonoids and phenolic acid in seed extract. The seed extract provides relief from pain caused due to inflammatory disorders. 4. Antimicrobial activity. It has long been used in Ayurveda medicine in India as a treatment for various conditions including fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Some studies have shown that the fruit and plant have potential use for their antimicrobial properties. Fruit powder of the ridge gourd was macerated with methanol and ethyl acetate and antibacterial activities were observed in both the methanol extract and the ethyl acetate extract. Both extracts had an inhibiting effect on different types of bacteria including E. coli, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. for more visit and watch the video for natural cure.

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